
We have had the privilege of working with many talented postdocs, Ph.D. students, and students. They find subsequent employment all over the world, predominantly at research universities and high-tech industry (e.g. biotech, nanotech, optical research, etc.).

Former postdocs (in alphabetical order):

Dr. Peter Brazda (on to postdoc position at Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Dr. Aurelien Crut (on to faculty position at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
Dr. Laura Dickinson (R&D at Gemstone Biotherapeutics, Baltimore, USA)
Dr. David Dulin (on to faculty position at University of Erlangen, Germany; then faculty at the Free University, The Netherlands)
Dr. Behrouz Eslami-Mossallam (on to staff scientist position at TNO, Delft, The Netherlands)
Dr. Xander Janssen (on to staff scientist position at VDL ETG Research BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Dr. Ilyong Jung (on to faculty position at Emmanuel College and then Monmouth University, USA)
Dr. Ulrich Keyser (on to faculty position at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Dr. Mariana Köber (on to a postdoc position at the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain)
Dr. Mina Lee (on to postdoc position at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Dr. Sam Leachman (on to field service engineer, Lumicks)
Dr. Jan Lipfert (on to faculty position at the LMU, Munich, Germany; then faculty at Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Dr. Kaley McCluskey (on to faculty position at Pomona College, USA)
Dr. Dorian Mikolajczak (on to project manager at Biotrics Bioimplants AG, Berlin, Germany)
Dr. Fernando Moreno-Herrero (on to faculty position at CNB, Madrid, Spain)
Dr. Aysen Norte (on to Leiden Bio Science Park, The Netherlands)
Dr. Francesco Pedaci (on to CNRS group leader position in Montpelier, France)
Dr. Gary Skinner (on to senior scientist position at Illumina, United Kingdom)
Dr. Igor Vilfan (on to staff scientist position at Pacific Biosciences, California, USA; director of research at Karius)
Dr. Matthew Wiggin (on to senior scientist position at Boreal Genomics, Vancouver, Canada)
Dr. Marijn Versteegh (on to postdoc position at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria)
Dr. Serge Vincent (on to staff scientist at ASML)
Dr. Zhongbo Yu (on to faculty position at Nankai University)

Former PhD students (in alphabetical order):

Dr. Bojk Berghuis (on to postdoc position in the Quake lab, Stanford University)
Dr. Sumit Deb Roy (on to staff position in the Normec Group)
Dr. Seungkyu Ha (on to postdoc position at IMEC; then staff scientist there)
Dr. Michiel van den Hout (on to Stork Food and Dairy Systems, and subsequently program leader at FOM & NWO)
Dr. Zhuangxiong Huang (on to staff scientist position at ASML)
Dr. Artur Kaczmarczyk (on to postdoc position in the lab of David Rueda at Imperial College)
Dr. Daniel Koster (on to postdoc position in the lab of Uri Alon at the Weizmann Institute of Technology; then staff scientist at Hazera)
Dr. Charl Moolman (on to postdoc position in the lab of David Sherratt at the University of Oxford; then staff scientist position at Qiagen)
Dr. Maarten van Oene (on to staff scientist position at ASML)
Dr. Orkide Ordu
Dr. Ralph Smeets (on to staff scientist position at Turner)
Dr. Sriram Tiruvadi Krishnan (on to postdoc position at the Ruth Carbadillo-Lopez lab)
Dr. Aartjan te Velthuis (on to postdoc position in the Kapanides and Fodor labs at the University of Oxford; then faculty at University of Cambridge and Princeton University)

Former members of technical staff (in alphabetical order):

Msc. Filip Asscher (on to field service engineer, Lumicks)
MSc. Josko de Boer (on to Ph.D. position, Leiden University)
Dr. Bronwen Cross
Jelle van der Does (retired)
MSc. Serge Donkers (on to program coordinator Nanobiology, TU Delft and Erasmus MC)
MSc. Susanne Hage (on to laboratory and safety officer, Department of Bionanoscience, TU Delft)
Dr. Edo van Veen (onto software engineer at Vortex)
MSc. Peter Veenhuizen

Former MSc students (in alphabetical order):

Jeroen Abels (on to Shell)
Filip Asscher (continue as technical staff member, N. Dekker lab, TU Delft)
Elisa Bot (on to Corus)
Onno Broekmans (on to Ph.D. in Wuite lab, Free University Amsterdam)
Michiel Bruinink (on to Minimagflow)
Lisa Büller (on to Topsector LSH)
Andrea Candelli (on to Ph.D. in Wuite lab, Free University Amsterdam)
Yun-Hsuan Chen (on to Ph.D. at IMEC, Belgium)
Jelmer Cnossen (on to researcher in N. Dekker lab, TU Delft)
Fabian Czerwinski (on to Ph.D. in Oddershede lab, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Renier Daudey (on to Thales)
Xiaomin Hao (on to Ph.D. at Trinity College Dublin)
Laurent Holtzer (on to Ph.D. in Schmidt lab, Leiden University)
Zhuangxiong Huang (continue with Ph.D. position, N. Dekker lab, TU Delft)
Tessa Jager (on to researcher in N. Dekker lab, TU Delft; then Ph.D. student with C. Dekker lab, TU Delft)
Wiecher Kamping (on to Philips Drachten)
Johannes Keegstra (on to Ph.D. with Tom Shimizu, AMOLF, Amsterdam)
Sven Klijnhout (on to Talent&Pro)
Bernard Koeleman (on to Ph.D. at University of Amsterdam)
Vincent Krudde (on to Boston Consulting Group)
Louis Kuijpers (continue with Ph.D. position, N. Dekker lab, TU Delft, together with Intravacc)
Peter Jan Laverman (on to VFA, Delft)
Remko van Luik (on to Stork Technical Services, The Netherlands)
Maarten van Oene (continue with Ph.D. position, N. Dekker lab, TU Delft)
Maylon Rojer (on to Mapper Lithography Delft)